1. Eligibility
Amateurs (girls and boys) born in 2003 to 2011, who are members of a German golf club associated with the DGV or a foreign golf club associated with its respective national golf union/federation/association.
2. Limit of exact handicap index / Maximum of entries / Waiting list / Wildcards
Handicap Index Limits / Maximum of entries:
60 girls
U 21: up to 15.0 (born in 2003 - 2005)
U 18: up to 15.0 (born in 2006 and 2007)
U 16: up to 15.0 (born in 2008 and 2009)
U 14: up to 15.0 (born in 2010 and 2011)
60 boys
U 21: up to 10.0 (born in 2003 - 2005)
U 18: up to 10.0 (born in 2006 and 2007)
U 16: up to 10.0 (born in 2008 and 2009)
U 14: up to 10.0 (born in 2010 and 2011)
Waiting list:
In case of more than the maximal number of mentioned competitors, boys, girls and boys with the highest handicap index will be excluded. If the handicap index is the same, it will be decided by chance. The handicap index on the day of the registration deadline (26 June 2024 12:00 p.m.) is decisive for entry. These Players will be placed on a waiting list with the opportunity to compete in case of subsequent withdrawals. Players on the waiting list will be invited to play until July 03st 12: p.m.
The right to award additional wildcards is reserved to the organizer.
3. Modus of Play/ Rating/ Play-off
54 holes stroke play, played over three tournament days. The placement results from the addition of the results of all three rounds.
Separate rating for girls and boys of u 21, U 18, U 16 and U 14, as well as common rating of all age groups.
The winning girl and boy will be honoured as „Hanseatic International Youth Open Champion“
In the event of a tie for first place, the winner will be decided by a hole by hole play-off. If a play-off involves more than two players, those other than the winner will be deemed to have tied for second place regardless of their scores in the play-off. The Championship Committee determines the play-off holes.
All ties, except in determining the winner of the Championship, will be decided by card count back based on the best score for the final 36, 18, 9, 6, 3 holes or last hole in that order. If a tie still exists, it is decided by chance.
4. Tees
Girl: blue
Boys: white
5. Caddies
Caddies (Rule 10.3)
Professionals are not allowed as caddies. For more information, see "Rule of Conduct for Caddies".
Caddies must wear the caddie-bip handed out at registration during the complete tournament rounds. For this, a deposit of €50 must be paid.
6. Prizes
Memory prices for places 1-3 of the overall standings, as well as the four age groups.
7. Championship Committee
Appointed by the organizer. Championship Committee members will be announced by notice.
8. Closing date / Entrance fee / Entry form:
Closing Date:
June 26th, 2024 12:00 p.m.
Entrance fee :
€ 195, -
In case of cancellation after the registration deadline, a payment charge of 100€ remains.
Entry form:
Entries have to be submitted online via the following link: www.hiyo-golf.de.
Each player is responsible for determining whether his or her entry has been accepted and whether his or her name appears on the list of participants via www.hiyo-golf.de (1 to 2 days after the registration deadline). Players who are not on the list of participants are not eligible to play.
9. Conditions of competition
The Championship is played in accordance with the Rules of Golf, the official handbook on golf rules, the amateur statute as approved by the R & A in the versions currently adopted by the DGV.
The World Handicap System apply for the tournament.
In case of doubt the German version of all conditions is decisive.
10. Practice round
Free on the day before the 1st day of the tournament (July 09th, 2024).
Starting times for the practice round can be booked after the closing date (June 26th, 2024).
Gut Kaden Golf and Land Club GmbH
Phone: +49 (0) 4193 99 29-0
E-Mail: info@gutkaden.de
Web: www.gutkaden.de
11. Registration
All players must register with the tournament director the day before the Championship from 08:00 to 16.00 p.m. (July 09th, 2024). If a player is unable to register in person, a registration by telephone [Maike Handy] will be accepted. Each competitor will receive an information pack at registration. A competitor who does not register by this date and time will be excluded from the Championship.
12. Daily routine / Teetimes / Information / Accommodation
Tuesday, July 09th Practice rounds and registration
Opening night in the clubhouse with buffet, DJ and late night shoot out, from 6:30 p.m
Wednesday, July 10th 1st round counting game
Thursday, July 11th 2nd round counting game
Friday, August 12th 3rd round counting game
awarding ceremony
Tee Times:
Posted on the information board.
Trolleys are available and will be handed out at the secretary’s office in the clubhouse. Foreign players are given preference.
Golfbag storage:
Golfbags can be stored at your own risk in the set-up "bagdrop".
Dress code:
Jeans are strictly prohibited. Shoes with soft spikes are mandatory.
Caddies wear shoes with smooth sole
Gut Kaden
Golf and Land Club GmbH
Kadener Strasse 9
D-25486 Alveslohe
Phone: +49 (0) 4193 99 29-0
Email: hotel@gutkaden.de
Web: www.gutkaden.de
Jagdhaus Waldfrieden
Jagdhaus Waldfrieden Romantik Hotel und Restaurant
Kieler Straße
D-25485 Bilsen-Quickborn
Phone: +49 (0) 4106 610 20
E-Mail: info@waldfrieden.com
Web: www.waldfrieden.com
Dreiklang Business & Spa Resort
Norderstraße 6
D-24568 Kaltenkirchen
Phone: +49 (0) 4191 921 0
E-Mail: info@hotel-dreiklang.de
13. Contact
Tournament Direktion
Hamburger Golf Support GmbH
Maike Schlender
Alte Volksparkstraße 24
D-22525 Hamburg
Phone: +49 (0) 40 22 77 960
Web: www.hiyo-golf.de
Gut Kaden
Golf and Land Club GmbH
Kadener Strasse 9
D-25486 Alveslohe
Phone: +49 (0) 4193 99 29-0
E-Mail: info@gutkaden.de
Web: www.gutkaden.de
14. Reservation of amendment
In justified cases, the Championship Committee has the right to change the Announcement until the first start. After the first start, changes are only permitted in exceptional circumstances.
15. Declaration of Consens
The participants of HIYO agree that Hamburger Golfsupport GmbH, as the organiser of HIYO can use image- and personal data (name, first name, date of birth, home club, handicap) without limitation for media coverage in connection with the HIYO in particular on www.hiyo-golf.de, www.lgvhh.de, www.gvsh.de, Instagram und Facebook. If the participants or their legal guardians do not agree to this use, participation is excluded for organizational reasons.
Up-to-date information on the tournament can be found at www.hiyo-golf.de